2nd Annual Paws in Peril Care-A-Thon: Provide Critical Emergency Care for Animals in Need
Little Beetlejuice was rescued from a home due to suspected cruelty. He was severely emaciated and dehydrated, covered in scabs. This tiny baby was weak and trembling, and without immediate medical intervention, he wouldn't have survived the day.
Beetlejuice was immediately placed on IV fluids and medication to save his life. He was starving but uninterested in food and had to be syringe fed, and struggled to keep even that down. It was touch-and-go for three days before Beetlejuice's caretakers were sure he would pull through.
Finally, this sweet boy is healing and growing, but he still needs close monitoring as nutritious food and medicine help him recover his strength. With this lifesaving medical care, Beetlejuice now has the chance to live life as a normal dog. Will you help him continue his care so he can be happy and healthy?
Beetlejuice was severely emaciated and needs help to get better!
You can help Beetlejuice get the treatment he needs to heal. Your gift will not only give him the hope to keep fighting, but your donations will help cover his ongoing care.
Help us meet our goal of $5,000 for Beetlejuice and pets like him.
Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.